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Company Name: Hao-Yang Environment Science Ltd.




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About the Company:

The "iTrash Smart City Smart City Garbage Recycling Integration System" (hereinafter referred to as iTrash) developed by Haoyang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. has the functions of airtightness, deodorization, refrigeration, and compression. In addition to general garbage, it also provides recycling of resources such as bottles and cans. This integrated garbage recycling system not only provides 24-hour service, but the public can immediately weigh and charge as long as they swipe the EasyCard or One-Card, and even recycle 8 iron and aluminum cans to get 1 yuan of value-added rewards, which can also be accumulated.

About the Products: 

iTrash Smart City Garbage & Recycle Integration System

Producing garbage is an unpreventable result of our daily processes. Considering the development of modern technology, improvement of living standard and unstable working hours, there should be a more user friendly system to collect garbage instead of holding them & wait for the garbage truck in fix hours.

The world’s first iTrash Smart City Garbage & Recycle Integration System is a breakthrough in traditional garbage collecting methods. Its 24 hours self service system is conducive to enhance convenience, to improve living standards, to reduce the amount of garbage, to achieve immediate recycle money feedback and to minimize garbage disposal costs.

Here are iTrash advantage:

Through Cloud Computing, it can monitor the status of equipment, control recycling, and arrange trash car route that would help to reduce the cleaning cost effectively. iTrash combine with e-ticket, personal mobile payment that could manage garbage disposal fee. This solution is to create a more convenient, fair, and environmentally friendly life.


